So You Got a New Puppy for Christmas! What Now?

Adam Reed @ 2019-01-31 13:11:35 +0000

So you got a new puppy for Christmas! What now?

It is Christmas morning. Your living room looks picture perfect with your entire family gathered around the Christmas tree. Your children are eager and ready to open the gifts left for them by Santa Claus. They can see that one box, with their names on it, that is wiggling around under the tree. They cannot hold back their excitement and take off the lid to find an adorable little puppy with a perfect little bow around his neck.

After months of petitioning from your kids, you and your partner have finally decided to give in and bring some additional joy and cheer into all your lives. This cute little bundle of joy is now a part of your home and family. Congratulations, you're a new pet owner!

Fast forward a few hours and the tender scene described above has now turned into a challenging surprise. With the excitement of Christmas morning slowly wearing off, the task of caring for this puppy begins. You feel are woefully unprepared and worry that things are only going to get harder.

Gifting a new puppy for Christmas is a long-term commitment. It comes with additional physical, emotional and financial responsibilities. Even if you have done your research, if you are a first-time dog owner, it is possible you are anxious and unsure about what to do now. Read on to learn how to prepare for your new puppy and how to raise him well. Follow these steps to take to make this lovely Christmas gift’s homecoming and his subsequent life with you a successful and happy one.

Setting up for success

Welcoming a puppy in to the family changes your life forever. Your responsibility towards ensuring that this Christmas puppy becomes a successful gift begins from the moment you bring him home. While there are some people who raise concerns about bringing puppies home for Christmas, it can actually be a great time for a new pet since your whole family has time off from school and work and can help the puppy adapt and settle in.

The key to adjusting well to a new pet during the holiday season is to prepare in advance. Even before you have brought home your children’s Christmas gift, you need to begin your preparations.  If you make the necessary arrangements to give your new pup a loving and safe home to grow and flourish, he will bring constant cheer and joy into your family’s life.

Perfect Introductions

It can be a very exciting time with a new puppy. Those big puppy eyes and that wagging tail can melt any heart and make you go… aww! However, it is important to make sure that all the new people, surroundings, noise, and things do not overwhelm your little pup on his first day home. While this does not mean you need to leave him alone, just make sure he has time to adjust and settle in. All the new smells, sounds and the general excitement can also make the little one tired, so make sure he has a safe place to settle in and sleep when he needs.

Some of the things that you can start with on your puppy’s first day at his new home are,

Catching them early

Now that Christmas is over and you and your family get back to your regular lives and routines, it is time to integrate your puppy into it. It is never too early to help your new puppy learn good habits. The sooner you begin, the lesser time you will spend correcting the bad ones he is likely to pick up without the right guidance.

Final reminders about your new furry friend

As you and your puppy settle into your new lives together, there are a few things that you must keep in mind. Be sure that your puppy’s veterinarian visits and vaccinations are up to date. You should also discuss medication for parasite prevention with your vet. Along with this, you and your family will will need to consider things like pet insurance, microchipping and neutering your little boy when he is old enough.

While the first month will be one of many changes for you and your family, this adorable, playful, cuddly, affectionate little being that you brought home to your children for Christmas is sure to win the hearts of everyone he meets. With the right commitment, efforts, and love from you and your family, your new pet is sure to be on his way to many healthy, happy and love-filled holidays with his beloved family!